Orlov . They are also tactically important. But it was not because he himself was Ukrainianbecause he wasnt. For example, people who have never spoken a word of Ukrainian are now forced to use it in order to shop or to obtain government services. The interview was cut short because the VOIP connection failed. They didnt take an issue with Ukrainian industry shutting down as long as they could work abroad and send money back. There arise Nowadays, after the proto-Blairism of the useful idiots Hawke and Keating (both rewarded by being made rich), the raw, racist, class-hating Evil of the sub Brownshirt grub Howard, the narcissist Rudd and the feminazi incompetent Gillard and then the real descent into The Pit with the raving life-hating, misogynist, Abbott, the hereditary parasite Turnbull and the Pentecostal thug Morrison-well its been quite a long days journey into Hell. advent of the arctic fox need a sacred symbol, which I am happy to Ill take New England and the Maritimes any day over the steamy South where the kudzu creeps over I mean *everything*, the snakes proliferate, and you cant survive the summer without AC 24/7. These multinational corporations gotta keep the profits up for their shareholders. They whine like snowflakes about the foreign outsourcing of jobs or illegal immigrants stealing our jobs as a chauvinistic demand for a greater share of the economic spoils of imperialism. Meanwhile, a thorough cleaning out of the ranks has taken place, with some high-ranking officials doing jail time for corruption. Many scientists with numerous links to the secret servicers (such as dr Barrie Trower, the leading microwave weapons expert) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLVIbPtNrVo&t=4s As You can hear there might be some tough questions , some of which You personally have attempted to answer, still in my mind not completely satisfactory , ( I have read Your article about this Issue and have been accused in a similar manner , so I know the feeling ) There they will fight it out with newcomers from Middle East and Africa while the natives take to their beds, hope for the best and think good thoughts about gender neutrality and other such worthy causes. Is it not always a good idea to analyze? Once the political elite of any nation has been thoroughly emasculated by the surrender of its national sovereignty, it takes a while for it to grow back its chest hair and to start posing a credible threat to transnational interests. Meanwhile the vanity of the Ukraine actively discussing negotiating with Nato how to get support for the presumably naval forces to have unfettered rights of navigation through Kerch still persists..whether EU naval ships will join in by compulsion or willingly of course is a different matter. The Saker, I would like to interview 2 professed patriotic and intelligent Russians , both living in the USA about their MOTIVES in their endless BASHING of everything European ( the part which concerns ME ) .. as well as their endless Bashing of Americans , the people among whom they choose to live , in both instances expressing Ridicule and Disgust bordering to Hate towards these 2 Areas of the World., Ole: As a Swede who never fell for the Russophobic noises of the MSM and even less for the dogma of Western supremacism, I should feel inclined to say that the Russian view is entirely justified. It was then decided that the road map for Ukraines inclusion in NATO should be set aside because the Ukrainians are just too crazy for sedate and sedentary NATO. The Damascus explosion blew off the 780 ton silo door and launched the second stage plus its 9 megaton warhead 1000 feet in the air. They allready proven to be completely nuts, irrational and unable of any rational thinking. Something more specific would be much more helpful. Dmitry Vladimirovich Orlov ( Russian: ; born 23 July 1991) is a Russian professional ice hockey defenceman for the Boston Bruins of the National Hockey League (NHL). ber alles in der Welt. Important message about the blog from Andrei, La campagne mene par le prsident Roosevelt pour inciter la guerre en Europe, Le plus vieux mensonge et pourquoi la fin de lempire amricain a t retarde, Le retour de bton des sanctions contre la Russie, La piaga sanguinante sulla coscienza dellumanit, Pi lento degli HIMARS: la Russia dice che abbattere il razzo GLSDB non dovrebbe essere molto difficile, O palco est montado para a Terceira Guerra Mundial Hbrida, Tratar Putin como um imperialista irremedivel colocou o Ocidente em uma posio perigosa, Teniente General Igor Kirillov denuncia la preparacin de una provocacin con uso de armas qumicas de Occidente contra Rusia, : . They refuse to even say two syllables: Hello. The only birthright of a US citizen is to live as a bum on the street, surrounded by other bums, many of them foreigners from what Trump has termed shithole countries.. Best way to deal with vigilantes, especially the pindo sort, is to drop the mouth first. God bless you for the kindly description of (what once were?) In situations when nothing can be made to work and all has come & etc. I well remember false accusations against the dastardly Soviets of bombarding the US Embassy in Moscow with harmful microwave radiation decades ago, but today, far higher and ubiquitous, inescapable, microwave radiation is a veritable blessing, a panacea for the economic Moloch. In one of the Polish classics the author wrote a wonderful but sad thing about the end of military men rozdziobi nas kruki, wrony in short Crows and Wrens are going to feed on us. It is Russia that supplies the nuclear fuel for the Ukraines aging nuclear power plants which provide well over half of all the electricity there, while Russian coal (anthracite, specifically) supplies much of the rest. When RAND proposed a counterforce strategy, which would require SAC to restrain itself from striking Soviet cities at the beginning of a war, Power countered with: The Ukrainian State Investigation Bureau launched a criminal case on the intentional surrender of Crimea against Verkhovna Rada Speaker Andrei Paruby, Secretary of the Ukrainian Council of National Security and Defense Alexander Turchinov, former Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk and others, the Ukrainian law union Aver Lex told TASS on Wednesday. To save face, they have declared their defeat the result of a Russian invasion but have been unable to present any evidence of it. I am afraid you are wrong. Given you own experience living in Crimea and your network of contacts throughout the Donbass, and considering the time elapsed since the evens of 2013-2014, do you think that there is any viable chance that regions such as Kharkov, Odessa and Dnepropetrovsk would seek to join Donetsk and Lugansk in forging a new state? Dmitry Orlov. His argument on the one hand makes total logical sense. The people who make these threats are assuming, it would seem, that the power of the USA, its economic, military and political power, is such that this isn't serious, that they will survive this. If anything the economy actually is better not as good as the cooked statistics indicate but things have improved for people I know in that area. We call on Ukraine to act in good faith to solve the problem that arose because of it, to show true concern for its citizens and to get involved in consultations instead of litigation, the statement said. As if destroying Life on Earth was cost-free. Orlov, who was acquired from Washington on Thursday, was playing in . We no longer have that safety valve with the current Neocon barkers. It was successful from their point of view. Maybe that new generation of governors will make the change but I doubt. I had a factory job in Adelaide that got shipped to China also known as Globalisation. "The city planet depicted in Star Wars called Coruscant (/krsnt/). The Saker: How would you assess the current situation in the Ukraine in terms of social, economic and political collapse? The only part of the US which probably will emerge as a cohesive force will be the old South, Dixie land, which has history and tradition behind it. This country was so different back then, people were so much friendlier, laid back, way more trusting but that was before the dogma of Neoliberalism really kicked in. I suppose if things between the US and Russia eventually reach a higher level of confrontation due to the US upping the ante all the time, eventually Russia might react in a more forceful way which may include extending some kind of formal protectorate status to not only those two provinces but other parts of Novorossiya as well if the population wants it. Anthropologists working in Australia did find an old skeleton with skull and rib fractures they thought were made by a boomerang, having ruled out the didgeridoo and the digging stick for lack of a sharp edge. Just bringing Crimea up to Russias contemporary standards after 30 years of Ukrainian neglect has turned out to be a monumental task; as far as doing that for the rest of the Ukraineforget it! So be it. Listen to audio about Dmitry Orlov. Here in Austfailia we are involved in an election campaign of unprecedented mendacity and viciousness, marked by a truly deranged and literally diabolical campaign by the Pentecostal thug, Morrison, our PM, and the fakestream media, particularly the Murdoch cancer, against any action on climate destabilisation. Russia is already receiving a lot of displaced Russians, plus tons of Russians in Ukraine who became the source of cheap labor for Russian companies. through which all human (and even some divine) life enters this They, the russian ruling class, simply wants to conform the country to the western culture and political, economical, social system. It will do you good.". The following quotes (translation mine) are from Vladimir Putin's address and the currently running St. Petersburg World Economic Forum. serve, go and learn to work with guncotton. They preferred to walk in the other direction to get fresh supplies of booze and tobacco. Meanwhile, the Ukraine makes very little that the European Union or the rest of the world would want, and very little of it complies with EUs voluminous standards and regulations. 00:00. By now the Ukraine has lost most of its industry and the Soviet-era infrastructure has decayed to the point where much of it is worn out and on the verge of collapse. How would you compare the situation in Novorussia with what is taking place in the Ukraine? Dmitry is an engineer who has contributed to fields as diverse as high-energy Physics and . In this essay he also speaks about the potential of Americans emigrating to other countries, including Russia. And whod be willing to endure shelling for a monstrosity like contemporary America? No, the main/only reason Russia is biding its time with regard to these two provinces is because it does not want more complications on the international scene, especially at a time where the gas pipes are being laid etc. Well see how that pans out, but it aint gonna be pretty either way. Later, when it became clear that without appealing to Russian patriotic sentiments the task of prevailing against Nazi Germany was unlikely to succeed, Stalin brought back the Russian Orthodox Church and made other efforts toward the restoration of Russian ethnic identity that were previously decried as retrograde and chauvinistic.

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