The possibilities are endless with science. grille salaire convention collective industrie pharmaceutique 2020; qui est la femme de benjamin baroche; Science in the abstract is a non-human force and it is only the scientist-the human embodiment of this mighty force-who can determine whether it will be the benefactor the destroyer of mankind. In the past, neuroscientists had established that there were three protective membranes between . In Scotland, 44 years earlier, James Bowman Lindsay made a public demonstration of how . ESA / NASA / CSA. A good teacher coaxes and helps a student to understand his abilities and become a better human being. Einstein, J.C. Bose and Bhaba will be my models to follow. If I were a Scientist Handout. Modern man lives in an environment that is mainly the creation of modern science. If you add wheels, it will fall apart. Watching a sunset, watching the rain fall, watching someone go arse over tit, everything has a tune. We live in a scientific age and scientists are respected everywhere. "'Why can't girls be strong and smart?" asked Hannah, innocently. What living thing do you keep in your house? Say whether the following statements are true or false. Search for jobs related to If you were a scientist what would you invent or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 20m+ jobs. Now just under 150 years later you are reading information thousands of miles from your location in seconds. So if I was a scientist I would invent a teleport ray. Science is an abstract and is a non-human force and it is only the scientist - the human embodiment of this mighty force - who can determine whether it will be the benefactor or the destroyer of mankind.ch_client="Thangavel1";ch_width=550;ch_height=250;ch_type="mpu";ch_sid="Chitika Default";ch_backfill=1;ch_color_site_link="0000cc";ch_color_title="0000cc";ch_color_border="ffffff";ch_color_text="000000";ch_color_bg="ffffff"; My Ambition : Essays : School Essays : College Essays : English Essays, Essays : School Essays : College Essays : Essays : Articles. My only mission will be to discover every possible secret of nature. We want to do our part to make this world better than it is today. tell us why? MadMadRoger 3 yr. ago. View if i invented a new vegeitable 2020.docx from ENGL 2380 at Northeastern University. Through harnessing the powers of nature and using it to the benefit of humans and other living organisms, a lot more can be accomplished. There are way too many inventions that I want to see before I die. Academia. The idea of having to justify my work to non-scientists sounds appalling. We don't want to be confined to an ivory tower of pure reason regardless of the realities of life. Selfishness, ambition, a sense of aggression, jealousy, and the desire to ascend to the upper social strata are often superior to man's noble feelings. Publicly. While applied science and pure science are different, neither is more important. I am also not in favor of government control. Image: Andriy Onufriyenko/Moment/Getty Images. Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security. Big industrial institutions and business firms want to buy the service of the best scientists for their own benefit, which may not be suited to the larger interest of mankind. There has been progress in healthcare systems and the accessibility of education through scientific research. c.v. raman the pride of india class-7 1 Answer +1 vote answered Apr 2, 2022 by JiyaRajput (43.9k points) selected Apr 4, 2022 by ShobhitShekhar If I were a scientist, I would like to invent a car that could run with the energy of sunlight but not with diesel or petrol. I hope my work only gets better as I age! If I Were A Scientist :ch_client="Thangavel1";ch_width=550;ch_height=250;ch_type="mpu";ch_sid="Chitika Default";ch_backfill=1;ch_color_site_link="0000cc";ch_color_title="0000cc";ch_color_border="ffffff";ch_color_text="000000";ch_color_bg="ffffff";The pursuit of knowledge carried on by the scientist for the past several centuries has produced results which have produced different reactions in different sections of society. An anonymous reader writes "From the Boston Globe: 'Researchers said yesterday that they have created the world's first robotic scientist, a system that can form theories, devise experiments, and then carry out . Poor children should get an education. Pure science is intended to explore the boundaries of human knowledge for its own sake, often producing the tools we use in our technology. Titanic's main characters, Rose and Jack, were not based on a true story.They were inspired, to an extent, by some real-life people, though Rose's inspiration has no connection to the actual Titanic.As revealed by Cameron, artist Beatrice Wood was the inspiration behind Rose.Cameron read her autobiography during Titanic's development.Wood was a painter, sculptor, writer, and actress from . If you could invent anything, what would it be? I invent Packaging that changes color if the product inside is expired. I would jealously assert and guard my birthright to explore the hidden avenues of knowledge without any let or hindrance form society, state or government. My vision for India in 2047 is that India should be free from corruption, poverty, illiteracy, crime and everything that India is lacking. Hence we need not offer any apologies for wishing to be a scientist. Way more than you'd need when you go to the doctor. welfare of mankind only. Thus Hitler and Mussolini were able to exploit the best scientific brains to their own advantage and to the misery of mankind. So, while dissecting a mouse for the study, Mllgrd noticed something peculiar: a new body part. I don't mind. It would Roger. There are lay people who consider science to be the fore runner of all comfort, progress and prosperity.On the other hand there are many good people who look upon science as the chief cause of the sufferings of humanity today. , l walk another 220m to reach the flea market. I know this ideal is not easy to attain but would not forsake it for fear of poverty, misery or suffering.The modern man lives in an environment which is predominantly the creation of modern science. Nowadays, fabric manufacturers have produced much sturdier fabrics, pen clips are gentler, and pockets are made with a fold and strong stitches, so protectors are no longer needed. How can I be useful to humanity? Humans have long found meaning in the stars, but only recently . I used to work round the clock for the treatment of deadly diseases like AIDS and cancer. March 4, 2023, 8:30 AM ET. Scientists Invent Scientist 290. If you were a scientist, what would you like to invent/discover? It is common knowledge that before would war-II, almost an army of scientists were employed in Germany, Russian, Japan, England and the U.S.A. to invent new machines of death and destructions.Thus Hitler, Muslin and Marshal Tito were able to exploit the best scientific brains to their own advantage and to the misery of mankind. It has infinite potentialities for goods and evil. In every minor detail of our life science plays a very valuable role. A phone that you can see the person you are talking to like the person is a hologram. What is science? In the research where 39.4 percent of the children answered "I don't know" to the question, 18.8 percent of the children defined science as knowing everything and 7.6 percent defined it as formulas, compounds, potions, technology and inventions. About a thousand years later, there's an explosion of horses and . Scientists in the physical sciences use a great deal of mathematics, particularly algebra, calculus, and analytical geometry, while those in the biological sciences use math less often. Things Scientists Wish They Hadn't Discovered. I would try to put "It's a little like cooking: (I)f you mix salt and water, you kind of know what you're gonna get, but mixing two complex recipes together might give more unpredictable results," said study . As a scientist, I would request all the scientists of the world to use nuclear and nuclear energy only for the welfare of mankind. If I were a scientist, service to Could you hack it as a scientist? As a result, I unapologetically say my goal is being a scientist, but not any scientist, rather a scientist with a difference. Jealousy and the desire to climb to the upper social strata often get the better of mans nobler emotions. Science has great power and it is innocent in its nature and unadulterated by any third force, but it is a pure, unique and non-human force. It is true that modern scientific research is very expensive and requires huge amounts of money. If you were a scientist, which field would you most like to work in? Which of the following constitute most of the weight in the human body. But actual experience shows that mans conduct is not always governed by these noble the spirit of aggression, jealousy and the desire to climb to the upper social strata often get the better of mans nobblers emotions. On the other hand, there are those who consider science as the main cause of the suffering of humanity today. My sole mission would be to discover every possible mystery of nature. generalkiddo 3 yr. ago. Thus being a scientist I will try my best to be a true servant of mankind. I don't mind, because I'll just correct them. My sole mission would be to discover every possible mystery of nature. It has given us comforts, progress and prosperity . To do this she had to take walk about 55m east to reach her friends house. The trilogy "Back to the future" was the beginning of this idea. Only through education we can make our dreams come true, without education we can give new conditions and direction to life, we, Essay on Happiness for Students and Children in English, Relationship between student and teacher essay, Essay on my Vision for India in 2047 in 150,300,400 Words, Education should be free for everyone Essay. By 2047, I want to see India free from poverty, unemployment, malnutrition, corruption, and other social evils. It would have no wheels and no gas, just air. Answer If I were a scientist I would invent several things since I like to increase my creativity level and trying something new each time. I would invent this because it would be very cool seeing the future events. All the people of that country must be educated in many circumstances, they are not able to get it. We live in a scientific age and scientists are respected everywhere. According to investigators, a 29-year-old young man strangled Botikov with a belt during an argument and fled. Extremist organizations are also continually recruiting and may be in need of scientists to be in their employ and develop dangerous weapons for them. Here is an example written by our expert writing team: The urge to know the truth about different elements concerning human life, animals, Earth and the entire universe courses through the veins of scientists. To what extent I would be at service to mother earth? my people and all of the above for all the living beings residing on earth. Also read: 10 Lines on Evelyn Glennie in English Also read: 10 Lines on Furniture in English Also read: Essay On Our Aim Zero Harm Also read: Essay writing on reading habit Also read: 10 Lines on start-up India for Students and Children in English Also read: 10 Lines on Gram Panchayat in English Also read: 10 Lines on Thor in English Also read: 10 Lines on Memory Card Also read: 10 Benefits of Green Coconut in English Also read: 10 Benefits of Cardamom in English THANK YOU SO MUCH, My vision for India in 2047 postcard "Our pride for our country should not come after our country is great. Do you mind if a lot of your job is about worrying about major problems? Being able to do that can help you conduct experiments with relevant conclusions.A scientist is responsible for researching and analyzing the nature and complexities of the physical world to identify discoveries that would improve people's lives and ignite scientific knowledge for society.A scientist is someone who systematically gathers and uses research and evidence, to make hypotheses and test them, to gain and share understanding and knowledge.Science affects almost every aspect of our lives, from the food we eat to the technology we use and the natural world that surrounds us. It's only much later, and via a circuitous route through mathematics, that I developed an interest again. For example, I would like to invent a device that gives a ball to play when the bit presses a key and the reader presses another key and the candy presses another key. Teleporting machine. Steering away from these temptations would be my first and foremost goal in this industry and Ill devote myself to science alone. What's the most applicable use of science of these examples? Without pure science, applied science is not possible, but without applied science, pure science is useless. Grade 6 capricorn Scien I don't have enough information for that. 3) They are huts, bungalows, tents, tree houses, etc. Look, if we mess up, people could die, right? India i, Education should be free for everyone The word education is derived from the Sanskrit root "Siksha". If I were a scientist, service to mankind would be first and foremost duty of life. future vision remodeling Nos guides; adrian college women's hockey roster Le Blog; frankfurt to berlin high-speed train Slection de la semaine; when did hurricane isabel hit virginia Contact; India has given the world Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose, Sir Visvesvaraya, Srinivasa Ramanujan, Sir C.V. Raman, Dr. Homi Bhabha, Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, and Dr. Abdul Kalam have given many great scientists. In this Today I Learned article, we will take a look at the most common grammar mistakes made when writing essays. Do you mind having to explain your work to people who don't understand it? Generally, every human being wishes for peace, progress, abundance, and prosperity. If I were a scientist, I would like to carry on my work in the sphere of pure science. Pure science is a relentless search for truth for the discoveries of the mysteries of nature. My biggest dream is to see women empowerment in all fields for India where every person gets employment opportunities. If I were a scientist, I would discover all the secrets of nature. Inventors are the people who make Science Fiction a reality. Whenever I see an advancement in Science I am astonished and I myself want to be the reason for a great change. Scientist or scientist is a person who tries to obtain information in a systematic way by using scientific data acquisition methods regarding the phenomena and variables related to the universe. ( like animal messes / feeding is automatically done.) How about you? if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'englishsummary_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_5',658,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-englishsummary_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); I would be a worshipper of truth for the good of mankind. It is believed that we suffer because of the misuse of scientific inventions. The difference I would make would be secluding myself from powerful corporate and industrial companies that try to take over science for their selfish gain. For example, I would like to invent a device that gives a ball to play when the bit presses a key and the reader presses another key and the candy presses another key. The kind of stuff I'm interested in just doesn't have a profit margin. ENGL. I mean, Nazis are jerks, but better we have rockets than the Russians, right? You can do the same thing a scientist does.Having research skills is also fundamental for your career success as a scientist. Personally I would try to remain clear of these temptations.I am also not in favor of government control. What would you invent? 9) Tents are used for camping or outdoor events. Yes, but we're learning more and more about that bed every day. I will be a worshiper of truth for the betterment of mankind. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. A dream is always something precious to the people who saw them with open eyes and not with closed eyes. I can do it, but it's important that we get back to what people understand at some point. It is a systematised knowledge and its pursuit has led to the unravelling of the mysteries of nature and the harnessing of its wonderful power. . My vision for India is peace, prosperity and truth. The purposes outlined above may seem superficial or unreachable, but I believe I would have the necessary determination and devotion to the cause. Big industrial concerns and business forms want to buy the service of the best scientists for their won advantage which may not be compatible with the larger good of mankind. Also read:Unforgettable childhood memories essay, Also read:Essay on Happiness for Students and Children in English, Also read:My daily routine paragraph in english, Also read:Relationship between student and teacher essay, Also read:Why I want to be a nurse essay, 10 Lines on Tent House in English 1) A house is a shelter for humans. I don't accept the question. Not much, but I'll go places when I have to. AT LEAST 1 BIBLE VERSE GIVE AT LEAST 1 EXAMPLE. If I were a scientist, I would like to continue my work in the field of pure science. It is a time for privacy but on the other hand there is a lot of peer pressure. For 10 years I've been getting business proposals like . Science is a good deal more than just bones and space. Entire world respects and recognizes the strength of India. I will firmly defend my birthright to explore the hidden paths of knowledge without any hindrance or hindrance on the part of society, state or government. Or an automatic pet nanny. If I were a scientist and given a chance to invent something it would be something prestigious and useful like a program like google but using a phone's camera and pointing it a desired object thus revealing it's information like if you point it a person it would reveal all his/her situation like name, address, weight and many more. In this of human mind like greed, jealousy, enmity etc. If we were a scientist, we would want to do studies in the field of biology. So we don't have to apologize for wanting to be scientists. There are many environment issues like Global Warming, unforeseen disasters, pollution and so on. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'englishsummary_com-box-4','ezslot_3',656,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-englishsummary_com-box-4-0'); Personally, I would try to remain clear of these temptations. However, if you are familiar with science and have goals that are headed towards a scientific career, it wont be that hard. Assuming that they got there in 5minutes, how fast did Amanda and her friend were walking? If I were a scientist I would create some type of time portal to travel to the past or future. Thus, the children would be very happy. No matter how much I may agree with their personal opinions deep inside me, I would not use science to aid them in accomplishing their mission. They will be really affordable and helpful for the poor people. They focus too much on the rock stars of science and not enough on the grunts. F) Happiness Hotspots. Wasn't that when the US nabbed a bunch of Nazi scientists to work at NASA? Raman, the Pride of India'. Of course, no oil. Answer: If I were a scientist, I would invent a tool especially for children. By Marina Koren. Do you think that humans are required to sleep in the bed we have made for ourselves, with science? 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if i were a scientist, i would invent