In June 1980 General Luis Garcia Meza Tejada came to power here through a - once again - CIA-backed "cocaine coup". Despite his propaganda, Spencer has been able to write best-seller and best-seller, is featured everywhere in the media, and is allowed to teach government agencies on the Muslim threat. The administrations silence empowers President Jimmy Morales to continue ruling with impunity.' Now imagine having to convince a room full of strangers most of whom think you might be full of shit how sorry you are. Not just that, Wilders is receiving large amounts of favors, overt financing and seemingly even a lot of covert financing from cash neoon "conservative CIA" circles, including the Gatestone Institute of former CIA director and top neocon James Woolsey: Campaign promoted in the late 2000s and early 2010s by the. The only difference is that liberals are always emphasizing the social aspects, while (the equally NAFTA-loving) conservative pundits - usually only when pressed on it - prefer to highlight the economic aspects. For example, in February 1964, John Birch Society co-founder Revilo Oliver wrote the article. He is my lost son on the phone and I must answer before I dont have the power to say a single word. Member of Mont Pelerin since 1990, which appears to be ignored in just about all newspaper articles about him over the past three decades. Ross Perot. What happens at parole boards is a huge part of Jacob Widemans story, and his story tells us a lot about the parole system in America. February 11, 2021, Deadline, 'Gina Carano Hits Back, Announces New Movie Project With Ben Shapiro's Daily Wire: "They Can't Cancel Us If We Don't Let Them"'. Despite that, many U.S. citizens do not seem to have a grasp of the word "socialism" at all. Senior Advisor to the President Jan. 2017-. Beth Schwartzapfel: For long stretches of time, Jake says, he cut his family off. As a result, the lead he had in late 2016, in part due to the Trump election, was fully reversed. Its my belief he never should have been out. Superclass member Edwin Feulner joined the Mont Pelerin Society in 1972 and has alternately been president, vice president and treasurer over the decades. Ann still worked as Vigueri's right hand in the 1980s, pushing the Contra (death squad) cause. ': March 4, 2009, ambassador John C. Holzman interview for the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Foreign Affairs Oral History Project: 2018, Arie Krampf of the Ben Gurion University of the Negew (Israel), 'Israels Neoliberal Turn and its National Security Paradigm' (published in Polish Political Science Yearbook): June 29, 2005, New York Sun, 'Out & About': "[At] the first annual awards dinner for the Israel Center for Social and Economic Progress at [New York City's] St. Regis Hotel. the economist Milton Friedman [said] "Israel has the potential of being the Hong Kong of the Middle East." According to Orlando Leletier, formerly Allende's right-hand, in a prominent August 1976 The Nation article, Pinochet and Friedman's "Shock Therapy" came down to the following: The question is how biased and truthful Leletier's account was. The Liberty Lobby has been an extremely powerful influence on conspiracy disinformation throughout the Cold War and beyond, competing in this domain with the non-Nazi but still extremely right-wing John Birch Society. 'Hillary Clinton Refuses To Deny Putin's Claim She Took $400 Million From Russia'. One has to assume that this peculiarity, especially when looking at anti-immigration polls, is completely by design. Fortier testified against the other two and got off with 12 years of prison for failing to inform authorities on the plot. Beth Schwartzapfel: Now, its not that remorse or acceptance of responsibility is a bad thing, Daniel says. He copied this accusation from Trump, but in contrast to Trump refused to do any campaigning. December 22, 2018, Huffinton Post, 'Twitter Users Can't Unsee Alex Jones Feeding Roger Stone Helicopter-Style'. Fascinatingly, but 2004 he was brought on board as an advisor by Bank Menatep of questionable Russian-Zionist oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky, a very close ally at the time of Jacob Rothschild, Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski in the Open Russia Foundation and the International Crisis Group of George Soros. On the other side is the sense of frustration that comes from not knowing what exactly you should work towards or do differently in order to be granted parole. 'Autism Rates in California Skyrocket Following Mandatory Vaccine Bill'. While one of its biggest entry has already been revealed, Xbox has announced the slate of games coming to Game, Aquaman and The Lost Kingdoms release date has been changed by DC Studios, though fans will likely be pleased with, Warner Bros. gave new release dates for not one, but two Jason Momoa-led movies. CNP information for this and other articles is largely based on 1993, 1996 and 2014 membership lists. From the start foundations as Olin, Bradley and Scaife were among its chief financial supperters. August 6, 2017, Daily Stormer, 'Andrew Anglin and Richard Spencer: Top Notch Podcast, Bro Good Job, Guys'. In January 2012 Anglin launched the website Reality Situation to document his travels, trying to get even deeper into the jungle. More important names were to be found at the Chicago School. Endowment of $521 million in 2013. Hayek and Milton Friedman's neoliberalism. ], [Permanent Representative of the United States to UNESCO from 2004 to 2009], [president John Birch Society; founder Western Goals Foundation], [father Robert Galvin sat on national strategy committee of the American Security Council, which his grandfather, Paul Galvin, financed], [chair economics department University of Chicago 1971-1975 and 1980-1984; Trilateral Commission from 1978 and in the 1980s], [praised the Giving Pledge of David Rockefeller, Warren Buffett, etc. 2013 Membership Directory, Mont Pelerin Society: Third leading anti-immigration "populist" politician after Pim Fortuyn and Geert Wilders. The so-called Chilean "Chicago boys" - tied from anything to the World Bank and the Rockefeller Foundation to CIA-penetrated social clubs and newspapers - were the ones who introduced neoliberal "shock therapy" in Chile under Pinochet. I mean, how could they not? While Carto removed himself from this organization due to a conflict with his protege here, fellow-Nazi. Added to the list below are a few other peculiarities, namely William Buckley, Jr. and foundation-tied ones that I had earlier picked up on. March 4, 2017, CNN (Library), 'Watergate Fast Facts'. 3 posters are out, celebrating the main cast of characters from, James Cameron has talked in the past about how Leonardo DiCaprio almost refused to read for the role of Jack, Leonardo DiCaprio rose to the ranks of superstardom following his role in James Camerons Titanic. The internet is too clogged now to find it back. Raised Jewish, but not a Jew. European commissioner for the internal market 1999-2004. As for neocon and Christian conservative economics: it all comes down to neoliberalism and libertarianism, which comes down to giving free reign to monopolies and cartels. August 4, 2019, Wall Street Journal, 'El Paso Murder Spree Renews Spotlight on 8chan Online Forum': The May 15, 2019 Christchurch attack in New Zealand in which 69 Muslims were killed during prayer in a Mosque was carried out Australian 8chan board member, 'Authorities believe the 21-year-old posted a manifesto on the online forum 8chan, which listed "the Hispanic invasion of Texas" as one of the motivations for the attack. He was a grandson of Levi Morton. Richard Warner Carlson's name appears in the 1995, 2002, 2014 Pilgrims Society lists (not in a 1990 one; in 1995 David Rockefeller still was a member, as were Henry Kissinger, George Shultz and other elites). ': Anti-Third World immigration group founded in 1979 by Frank Tanton, with initial funding actually coming from Warren Buffett. You could say, as the Woburn Police Chief did at the time. Kristol held about 20 such positions. Individuals on the left side - or "liberal CIA", such The Nation - of the spectrum often argue that the economy crashed massively in the two years after the Pinochet coup, blaming the "Chicago boys" for this situation. Once in power, Pinochet appointed two economists, Raul Saez and Fernando Leniz, who attempted a slow transition back from Allende's Marxist-socialist nationalizations to a market economy. To this day he has top-level friends in the United States and the Israel lobby, and is still suspected to be a major behind-the-scenes power player. And Im sure in your mind youre weighing whether you believe him, whether he sounds sincere. So you have a sense of what thats like. Wolfowitz held the highest office: as Rumsfeld's deputy secretary of defense from 2001 to 2005 and then as World Bank president until being kicked out by his own personnel in 2007. Beth Schwartzapfel: Remember how prosecutors and the Kanes wanted Jake to face the death penalty? August 1, 1996 email with subject title '1996 CNP Membership List' from email to and (Ted Turner and Drummond Pike's Environmental Working Group): Board of governors member Mary Reilly Hunt apparently was not a member of the billionaire Hunt family. Director of intelligence, Joint Staff, July 2008 - June 2009, with McChrystal serving as director of the Joint Staff August 2008 - June 2009. and Jewish Voice for Peace, 'The Shame of the UJA-Federation of New York: How Its Jewish Communal Fund Supports Anti-Muslim Hate', pp. With that, it is very clear that the operators of NNDB are conspiracy-oriented. The combined effect of the foreign credit squeeze and domestic copper strikes [of workers now demanding 25-38% higher wages after nationalizations, with 32% increase putting Chile's copper price at global levels] on Chile's foreign exchange position was devastating. [12] We're talking anything from Howard Zinn and the Weathermen (antifa), to Noam Chomsky and Bernie Sanders (social democrat/liberal CIA), to the John Birch Society, Alex Jones, the MAGA Bomber and Rense (conservative CIA). And also that at the time he was hosting a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton, another issue that is not exactly popular among conservatives. McCloy, of course, also sat on the board of the Pilgrims Society-dominated Olin Foundation, which initiated the "neocon revolution" in the late 1970s, not to a small degree in opposition to Carter's (economic) "despotism". In this capacity he has been a permanent consultant to various special operations branches of the Pentagon, the national security council, the State Department, and, unofficially, the CIA covert operations clique surrounding Ted Shackley. 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 annual reports, Sarah Scaife Foundation: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2013, 2014, 2015 annual reports, Sarah Scaife Foundation: 2016 annual report, Sarah Scaife Foundation: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 annual reports. 'Rand Paul: Only Person Who Colluded With Russia Was Hillary Clinton'. But David explained mule skinners were actually mule drivers from like 100 years ago. 103-296. Beth Schwartzapfel: Or things like whether a victim happens to be present. Daniel Medwed: There is this reliance and I would call it an overreliance on contrition, on remorse and acceptance of responsibility. Donald Rumsfeld became chairman of the Institute for Contemporary Studies in the mid 1980s. Research associate National Bureau Economic Research, 1930-31, member research staff, 1933-69, director research staff, 1945-53, chairman, 1967-68. John Wideman spoke on behalf of his son, Jacob, during Jacobs parole hearing in 2011. A talented young street-food cook pushes herself to the limit after accepting an invitation to train under an infamous and ruthless chef. The Soviet Union, China and Cuba were communist/collectivist countries. How convenient for the ever-pro-war faction in the CIA and American Security Council allies. Because they seem to be the same thing. Shultz and Friedman played leading roles in the "Nixon Shock": the 1971 decision to take the U.S. dollar off the gold standard, making it impossible for foreign countries to swap their dollars for gold. How can the system be fixed? Until early 2014 CORE was known as the Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF). Black home invasions for robbery and rape skyrocket, apparently because the government isn't doing much about them. Emerged in 2006 as leader of the Partij for de Vrijheid / Party for Freedom (PVV). In the November 1981 - January 1983 period, coinciding with a giant economic crash, many of Chile's leading banks had to be bailed out by the Pinochet government - a type of government intervention neoliberals seldom seem to oppose. This network of foundations was primarily overseen by Richard Mellon Scaife (1932-2014). Founder and head of Bannon & Co., which specialized in media deals, 1990-1998. (accessed February 19, 2019): The CCF/CORE has received millions in donations from corporations as Philip Morris, Coca-Cola (ironically Warren Buffett's company) to discredit the environmental movement. Mercer has been an anti-government Libertarian and a huge supporter of anti-Democrat and anti-Clinton conspiracy (theories) since the 1990s that were financed by the, From 2009 to 2013, Mercer donated $50,000 annually to the powerful. In line with this, Trump has also always been more liberal than during the campaign that made him president: October 24, 1999, Donald Trump on Meet the Press: May 7, 2016, New York Times, 'A Trump Sampler: His Changing Views' (not nearly as bad as the New York Times makes it out to be): In 2004 Trump was looking to run as a Democrat with the curious Jesse Ventura as his running mate. In what may be the biggest such case in history, investigators are trying to find out whether Russian mobsters funneled billions of dollars through accounts at the Bank of New York. Minimum wage and almost all other labor laws were done away with. With the Keynesian system it all comes down to when and how severe the government intervention is in the economy, whether or not one can speak of "socialism" or "communism". Because this reains confusing, and in the end the purpose of "conservative CIA" is to let the "liberal" globalist party win, it's better to have the CATO Institute listed under "conservative CIA". In the 1951-1952 period he was a (later) self-described "deep cover" CIA agent, whose lone handler was E. Howard Hunt, reportedly the only conservative CIA officer in the Agency and later, among other things, extremely notorious over the Watergate affair. It does not care about crime, IQ, or cultural issues. Jake Wideman: I couldnt face the people that I loved. Senator Ted Kennedy (major "liberal CIA" family, with RFK, Jr. even spreading conspiracy disinformation related to his father's and uncle's murders) until sickness in the early 1980s forced her to resign. The website has a U.S. Alexa rank of 1,400 as of February 2019. John Wideman: The phone rings. 1993, Brian Crozier, 'Free Agent': Talks about how he was referred to Richard Mellon Scaife at CIA headquarters when he asked if the CIA would fund his Institute for the Study of Conflict. Libertarian-inclined Republican governor of New Mexico 1995-2003. The Western Journalist Center was a recipient of major Richard Mellon Scaife funding with the purpose of attacking the Clinton administration. One file, from 1987, read, at shift change, 1500 hours, Jake requested inmate relations officer Bruce Archer to shackle him so he would not hurt himself or tear up the cell.. Ayaan is a Fellow with the Future of Diplomacy Project at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs and The Harvard Kennedy School. August 23, 2016, Time, 'Why Donald Trump Picked Kellyanne Conway to Manage his Campaign'. As veteran ISGP readers might already suspect, this oversight and article is a mirror of ISGP's The Grassroots Myth: "Liberal CIA" Network of New Left Foundations, Media and Activist Groups. Since 9/11, Woolsey has played a role in almost every think tank and action group set up by the neocons, often alongside Richard Perle and Dov Zakheim. He had a sense of why he had killed Eric he knew that he had been haunted by something since childhood but he couldnt name it and he refused to try. Almost certainly Valori was well-acquainted with Michael Ledeen, another fascist Zionist extremist, at the time of Italy's false flag bombings, the Banco Ambrosiano scandal and the subsequent P2 affair. Obviously only a small aspect of the "Alt Right" is Nazi, with other elements complaining regularly about this mischaracterization by the mainstream media. May 9, 2017, Butler Scholarly Journal (BSJ), 'Interview with an Ex-Minister of State: Rolf Luders': (accessed: April 2, 2019): September 2, 1980, Executive Intelligence Review, 'Washington, IMF legitimize Bolivia's drug economy': (accessed: December 4, 2013). More recently, in the Pilgrims Society article, ISGP looked into the financing of the neocon movement through foundations as Olin, Bradley, Scaife, H. Smith Richardson Foundation and Achelis and Bodman. Major supporter of Senator Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s. In line with this it must be acknowledged that the Republican Party is split among liberal Rockefeller Republicans and a radical conservative wing, which in turn is split into the influential pro-Israel "neoconservatives" and the increasingly marginal traditional right wing: the antisemitic, Christian conservative "old right" and "new right" of the Cold War. Another, Luttwak, worked at the prestigious CSIS think tank for several decades. In the mdist of this, it coincidentally was also revealed that a Dutch-Moroccan police officer was involved in plot to assassinate Wilders. The Right to Vote 25m Why Since that first hearing, hes been denied parole over and over. They need to be removed because theyre not qualified. Cernovich's opinions already were featured before, but after his Pizzagate support and the Trump election, he more intimately became part of the Infowars machine. Doesn't mean he doesn't have any ulterior motives, but his information seems to be reliable. Skipping ahead, it turns out that Jews again and again are singled out as agitators of. One of the first outside Intelligence officers to visit Guantanamo Bay. Le Cercle was deeply tied to all the most sensitive conspiracies, from drug trafficking to the Strategy of Tension, and dominated by the intelligence services. July 17, 2005, Haaretz, 'Milton Friedman Backs Reforms [of finance minister Netanyahu]'. Kahn received the blessing of New York State Governor Nelson Rockefeller - a major supporter of Kahn's idea to build massive amounts of nuclear fall-out shelters - in setting up the Hudson Institute, becoming a close advisor to the governor and serving on many of his committees. Besides being a fan of coming-of-age films and shows, she also enjoys watching K-Dramas and listening to her favorite K-Pop groups.
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