This did help but I don't think the people agreed with the cultural changes. It is believed that she lived an epoch from around 1370 B.C. In the few years of her reign with her husband, she brought monumental changes. This illness makes people taller than they have to be and they even may die in early ages. They served as the priests in the temple of Aten, and common people were expected to reach the god through them. Nefertiti also took an active role in bringing religious reforms in Egypt. The New Book of Pharaohs. 16 Nov. 2010. Nefertiti's parentage is unrecorded, but, as her name translates as "A Beautiful Woman Has . Akhenaten Accomplishments 1338 Words | 6 Pages Akhenanten IV was the son of Amenhotep III and his queen Tiye. Web. They say about you that you have many sons. Nefertiti played an active role in religious life, and Egyptians saw her as a living goddess. This article is about the Ancient Egyptian queen. King Tutankhamun (Tutankhamen or simply King Tut) ruled Egypt as pharaoh for 10 years until his death at age 19, around 1324 B.C. Artwork from the day depicts the couple and their daughters in an unusually naturalistic and individualistic style, more so than from earlier eras. 2023 A&E Television Networks, LLC. to around 1330 B.C. It is suggested that just as a mother and daughter (Tiye and the Younger Lady) were found lying together in KV35, the same was true of these mummies. All Rights Reserved. Nefertiti and her younger sister, Mutnodjmet, have been raised in a powerful family that has provided wives to the rulers of Egypt for centuries. Amenhotep III was the Pharaoh of Egypt at the time of Nefertitis birth. Many scholars believe Nefertiti had a role elevated from that of great royal wife, and was promoted to co-regent by her husband Pharaoh Akhenaten before his death. Thanks for this, I have to study for a test on ancient kings and queens and one is Nefertiti. It is believed that the royal family lived at the Gempaaten during the winter months (according to Aldred). Brooklyn Museum. Nefertiti as Queen Nefertiti may have been the. That's a lot of babies. From Amarna, Egypt. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. Site contains certain content that is owned A&E Television Networks, LLC. Grajetzki, Ancient Egyptian Queens: A Hieroglyphic Dictionary, Golden House Publications, London, 2005, Schenkel, W. "Zur Rekonstruktion deverbalen Nominalbildung des gyptischen", Harrasowitz, Wiesbaden. Plaster face of a young Amarna-era woman, (thought by many to represent Kiya, one of Akhenaten's wives). Nefertiti is best known for her painted sandstone bust, which was rediscovered in 1913 and became a global icon of feminine beauty and power. Her name is Egyptian and means "a beautiful woman has come." Nefertiti was known for being very beautiful, and her name means "the beautiful one has come.". The bust is one of the most copied works of art of ancient Egypt. Nefertiti was referred to as Neferneferuaten-Nefertiti. The results were ultimately published in Denkmler aus gypten und thiopien between 1849 to 1913, including an improved map of the city. Limestone relief of Nefertiti kissing one of her daughters, Brooklyn Museum. These two mummies, known as 'The Elder Lady' and 'The Younger Lady', were identified as likely candidates of her remains. The king and queen are shown worshiping the Aten. She is shown appearing behind her husband the pharaoh in offering scenes in the role of the queen supporting her husband, but she is also depicted in scenes that would have normally been the prerogative of the king. They are also, however, reminders of the human capacity for disagreement, read more, A mummy is a person or animal whose body has been dried or otherwise preserved after death. Her name means "A Beautiful Woman Has Come." Early Life Very little is known about Nefertiti's birth or childhood. Neferneferuaten Nefertiti (/nfrtiti/[3]) (c. 1370 c. 1330 BC) was a queen of the 18th Dynasty of Ancient Egypt, the great royal wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten. Reign of Akhenaten, probably early Amarna Period. She was shown to be wearing the crown of the pharaoh or bravely fighting the enemies in many of the stone sculptures of the time. It was discovered a century ago in the ruins of an ancient artist's studio in Amarna, south of Cairo. She ruled alongside her husband during the 14th century B.C. I like the dressing up part. Aten (the Sun god). The influence of Nefertiti over Akhenaten decreased when sons were born to the Pharaoh's other wives one of whom was Tutankhamun. [4] Some scholars believe that Nefertiti ruled briefly as Neferneferuaten after her husband's death and before the ascension of Tutankhamun, although this identification is a matter of ongoing debate. Amenhotep IV married Nefertiti at the beginning of his reign. The securing post at head apex allows for different hairstyles to adorn the head. Nefertiti was the queen of Pharaoh Akhenaten who ruled in the 14th century BC. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Other theories have suggested that she was born in a foreign country, possibly Syria. The Bust of Nefertiti was crafted in 1345 BC by the royal sculptor Thutmose. Nefertiti, Akhenaten, and three princesses are shown mourning her. On December 6, 1913, a team led by German archaeologist Ludwig Borchardt discovered a sculpture buried upside-down in the sandy rubble on the floor of the excavated workshop of the royal sculptor Thutmose in Amarna. Some historians dispute this fact and opine that Tey was not the mother of Nefertiti but just her nurse (possibly a wet nurse). She supported her husband throughout their religious revolution, which changed the Egyptian people from being polytheistic, to becoming monotheistic. All the traces of Aten Cult were wiped out from the kingdom. The most widely accepted theory is that she was the daughter of a high ranking official named Ay, who would later go on to become Pharaoh for a brief period. ). Thank you very much for this website. New York: Rosen Pub. Historians believe that she married Akhenaten, who ruled Egypt from 1353 to 1336 B.C. Helped with the accomplishments part of my paper thanks! Web. Best Known For: An Egyptian queen renowned for her beauty, Nefertiti ruled alongside her husband, Pharaoh Akhenaten, during the mid-1300s B.C. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Since joining DCRC in 2002, Nefertiti has provided professional development and presentations that focus on educating parents, teachers, and administrators on the importance of paying attention to not only how children perform academically, but also how they feel, socially and emotionally. Akhenaten was crowned Amenhotep IV and was left behind with a prosperous land. While most rulers would think of invading neighbouring kingdoms to expand their territory, Akhenaten's interests solely lied within the confines of Egypt. . His reign as Amenhotep IV lasted five years during which he followed the policies of his father and the religious traditions of Egypt. Akhenatens transformation of religion brought with it radical changes in artistic conventions. Nefertiti bore six daughters within 10 . The iconic bust of Nefertiti, discovered by Ludwig Borchardt, is part of the gyptisches Museum Berlin collection, currently on display in the Altes Museum. A bust of Queen Nefertiti discovered in 1912 is one of the widely acknowledged symbols of antiquated Egypt. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Her husband always attempted to depict her as an equal. She was part of a dynasty of Macedonian rulers founded by Ptolemy, who served as general under Alexander the Great during read more, Built during a time when Egypt was one of the richest and most powerful civilizations in the world, the pyramidsespecially the Great Pyramids of Gizaare some of the most magnificent man-made structures in history. Her mummy has not been found but some suggest it is the Younger Lady Mummy that was discovered in 1898. Nefertiti disappears from the historical record around the 12th year of Akhenatens 17-year reign. It is possible that Nefertiti is the ruler named Neferneferuaten. Nefertiti then became the Great Royal Wife of Amenhotep IV and along with her husband oversaw arguably the wealthiest period of Ancient Egyptian history. :). Mistress of Upper & Lower Egypt (henut-shemau-mehu, This page was last edited on 14 February 2023, at 14:18. THANK YOU SO MUCH! It does not store any personal data. At the same time, no sources exist that directly contradict Ay's fatherhood which is considered likely due to the great influence he wielded during Nefertiti's life and after her death. During the fourth year of their reign, Nefertiti and her husband changed their names to Akhenaten and Neferneferuaten-Nefertiti. Nefertiti, also called Neferneferuaten-Nefertiti, (flourished 14th century bce ), queen of Egypt and wife of King Akhenaton (formerly Amenhotep IV; reigned c. 1353-36 bce ), who played a prominent role in the cult of the sun god known as the Aton. Nefertiti was the Royal Wife of Akhenaten, who was formerly named Amenhotep IV during the earlier years of his reign. Egyptian Rulers. Throughout the 20th centurys upheavals, the bust remained in German hands. I have a reasearch paper due tommorow for a humanitites program and you are the only website that helped me. It has become a cultural symbol of not only Ancient Egypt but also of Berlin. Michelle Moran. They started to build a new city called Amarna midway between Thebes and Memphis and in year seven of the reign the population of Thebes were forced to move to the new city of Amarna. [27] It seems likely that Nefertiti, in a similar fashion to the previous female Pharaoh Hatshepsut, assumed the kingship under the name Pharaoh Neferneferuaten after her husband's death. I will probably fail my history class now. this is not helpful at all i need more info than that! by. [14][18] She was once considered as a candidate for the mother of Tutankhamun, however a genetic study conducted on discovered mummies suggests that she was not. Ancient and Medieval History Online. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. The bust is described as the best-known work of art from ancient Egypt, arguably from all antiquity. Reign of Akhenaten. Her husband went to great lengths to display her as an equal. Thanks I had a report and i needed this info. This helped me with my Social Study Paper! read more, Hatshepsut, daughter of King Thutmose I, became queen of Egypt when she married her half-brother, Thutmose II, around the age of 12. Nefertiti was a queen in Ancient Egypt who is world renowned for her beauty. Nefertiti, also called Neferneferuaten-Nefertiti, (flourished 14th century BCE), queen of Egypt and wife of King Akhenaton (formerly Amenhotep IV; reigned c. 1353-36 BCE), who played a prominent role in the cult of the sun god known as the Aton. A flurry of international attention followed, and the image of Tuts solid gold funerary mask was soon a global symbol of beauty, wealth and power. 16 Nov. 2010. In 2012, the discovery of an inscription dated to Year 16, month 3 of Akhet, day 15 of the reign of Akhenaten was announced. to its conquest by Alexander the Great in 332 B.C.ancient Egypt was the preeminent civilization in the Mediterranean world. The use of Nefertitis name made her one of the primary candidates but her likely death in Year 12 ruled her out. Talatat representing Nefertiti and Akhenaten worshipping the Aten. She lived during the New Kingdom Period and was a member of Egypt's 19th Dynasty. One shabti is known to have been made for her. Nefertiti and Akhenaten attempted to change the polytheistic, belief in many gods, religion of Egypt. and may have ruled the New Kingdom outright after her husbands death. By the twelfth year of his reign, there is evidence she may have been elevated to the status of co-regent:[30] equal in status to the pharaoh, as may be depicted on the Coregency Stela. Pre-2012 Egyptological theories thought that Nefertiti vanished from the historical record around Year 12 of Akhenaten's reign, with no word of her thereafter. Akhenaten came to power in the 1353 BCE and reign in the eighteenth dynasty. It has also been proposed that Nefertiti was Akhenaten's full sister, though this is contradicted by her titles which do not include the title of "King's Daughter" or "King's Sister," usually used to indicate a relative of a pharaoh. The original purpose of a tomb was to protect the dead and provide the deceased with a dwelling equipped with necessities for the afterlife. I think that you should put more info no this website this doesn't talk about what I serched up at all please work on this more!!!!!!!! It dates to year 16 of the king's reign and is also the last dated inscription naming the king.[24]. They were happy with many gods. Nefertiti was known as the most beautiful woman in Egypt. 37,478 ratings2,870 reviews. 10 Greatest Chinese Artists And Their Famous Paintings, Robert Frost | 10 Interesting Facts About The Famous Poet, 10 Major Accomplishments of Napoleon Bonaparte, 10 Major Achievements of The Ancient Inca Civilization, 10 Major Battles of the American Civil War, 10 Major Effects of the French Revolution, 10 Most Famous Novels In Russian Literature, 10 Most Famous Poems By African American Poets, 10 Facts About The Rwandan Genocide In 1994, Black Death | 10 Facts On The Deadliest Pandemic In History, 10 Interesting Facts About The American Revolution, 10 Facts About Trench Warfare In World War I, 10 Interesting Facts About The Aztecs And Their Empire. She is called Dakhamunzu in the Hittite annals, a translation of the Egyptian title Ta hemet nesu (The King's Wife). Nefertiti and her husband were known for their radical overhaul of state religious policy, in which they promoted the earliest known form of monotheism, Atenism, centered around the sun disc and its direct connection to the royal household. Nefertari's known biography begins after her husband became Egypt's ruler. 1. Nefertiti is best known for her painted sandstone bust, which was rediscovered in 1913 and became a global icon of feminine beauty and power. "Nefertiti." .css-m6thd4{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;display:block;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;font-family:Gilroy,Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif;font-size:1.125rem;line-height:1.2;font-weight:bold;color:#323232;text-transform:capitalize;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-m6thd4:hover{color:link-hover;}}70 Rare Photos From Princess Dianas Wedding, 40 Rarely-Seen Vintage Photos of the Royal Family, 20 Pictures of King Charles III Before He Took the Throne. The exact date of her marriage is not known. Even before his father's death, probably in the fourth year of his co-regency, he changed his name from Amenhotep, meaning "Amun is satisfied," to Akhenaten, probably meaning "of service to Aten.". Thank you so much! Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. This famous artifact, 44 pounds and life-size, has a layer of painted gypsum stucco over a full-featured limestone core. New York: Barnes & Noble, 2002. Her legacy is rivaled only by another beautiful Egyptian queen, viz. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Nefertiti and Cleopatra: Queen-monarchs of Ancient Egypt. After been kept in various museums in Berlin, since 2009, it is the prime attraction of the Neues Museum. One of the structures, the Mansion of the Benben (hwt-ben-ben), was dedicated to Nefertiti. Two representations of Nefertiti that were excavated by Flinders Petrie appear to show Nefertiti in the middle to later part of Akhenaten's reign 'after the exaggerated style of the early years had relaxed somewhat'. Brooklyn Museum. She grew up in a troubled family with a father that was a drug addict who later changed after he checked into rehab and started going to church. 6.explain how you would have impact your environment, if you were in there place in time. There are various theories regarding who this Neferneferuaten was. Meketaten may have died in year 13 or 14. from . Tombs probably arose from the prehistoric practice of burying the deceased in their own read more, The amazing works of art and architecture known as the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World serve as a testament to the ingenuity, imagination and sheer hard work of which human beings are capable. Amenhotep IV changed his name to Akhenaten, the name by which he is known today. There is evidence that around Year 12 of Akhenatens reign Nefertiti was elevated to the status of co-regent and was equal in power to the pharaoh. What a disaster. Nefertari means 'beautiful companion' and was the first of Rameses the Great's Great Royal Wives. I like everything that you stated but you need to add a little more details to it and you need to stop talking about what you think about it and just get to the point. Worldhistoryedu is not responsible for the content of external sites. 16 Nov. 2010. Soon after that she disappears from all historical records. Nefertiti (c. 1370 - c. 1336 BCE) was the wife of the pharaoh Akhenaten of the 18th Dynasty of Egypt. Nefertiti has co-authored two resources - Building . The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, London, Limestone statuette of Akhenaten and Nefertiti, or Amenhotep III and Tiye,[60] and a princess. 1983, pp. Meritaten, Meketaten, Ankhesenpaaten,NeferneferuatenTasherit, Neferneferure, and Setepenre. We strive for accuracy and fairness.If you see something that doesn't look right,contact us! She and Akhenaten produced six daughters, a female royal contingent that enjoyed unusual prominence during Akhenaten's reign. Nefertiti presenting an image of the goddess Maat to the Aten. [59], Headless bust of Akhenaten or Nefertiti. Ay married a woman called Tey. They also had a potbelly and heavy thighs, poor muscle tone, and a short torso. This would not have been without precedent: In the 15th century B.C. Answer (1 of 3): * Known For: Ancient queen of Egypt * Also Known As: Hereditary Princess, Great of Praises, Lady of Grace, Sweet of Love, Lady of The Two Lands, Main King's Wife, his beloved, Great King's Wife, Lady of all Women, and Mistress of Upper and Lower Egypt * Born: c. 1370 BCE in Th. As Egyptian history goes, the world doesn't know a lot about the wives of the Pharaohs. (CC BY-SA 2.5 ) The greatest secret of his story is the role of Thutmose in the life of Queen Nefertiti. In the tomb of Meryre II, Nefertiti's steward, the royal couple is shown seated in a kiosk with their six daughters in attendance. Early Aten cartouches on king's arm and chest. The king and his head queen seem to be inseparable in reliefs, often shown riding in chariots together and even kissing in public. Nefertiti remains one of the most famous queens in the history of Egypt after Cleopatra. The reforms implemented during her reign made Egypt one of the richest kingdoms in the world. 'Nefertiti is remembered as one of the most beautiful women in history, but her accomplishments are anything but skin deep,' said Mr Gates. Your email address will not be published. It's housed in the Egyptian Museum and Papyrus Collection at Berlin's . Akhenaten ruled Egypt in a way it had never been ruled before. Researchers concluded that she is Tutankhamun's biological mother, an unnamed daughter of Amenhotep III and Tiye, not Nefertiti. In his fifth year, Amenhotep IV officially changed his name to Akhenaten, and Nefertiti was henceforth known as Neferneferuaten-Nefertiti. Extreme style of portrait. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. I don't think I'll ever know why. Nefertiti offering oil to the Aten. They are known to have had at least six daughters together, including Meritaten, Meketaten, Ankhesenpaaten (later called Ankhesenamun when she married Tutankhamun), Neferneferuaten Tasherit, Neferneferure, and Setepenre. Nefertiti was a queen of ancient Egypt. It is hoped by all that her strong . In August 2015, British archaeologist Nicholas Reeves made a discovery that could reveal the mysteries of Nefertiti once and for all. In that year, Tutankhaten changed his name to Tutankhamun. Few facts known Nefertiti was born around 1390 B.C.E. Nefertiti was a queen in Ancient Egypt who is world renowned for her beauty. She reigned with her husband King Akhenaten during one of Egypt's wealthiest periods. Building Relationships. Detroit: Thomson/Gale, 2005. This is evidence of his return to the official worship of Amun, and abandonment of Amarna to return the capital to Thebes.[5]. Measuring 240 feet (73 meters) long and 66 feet (20 meters) high, the Great Sphinx is one of the worlds largest monuments. In the sculptures and paintings that were later discovered, Nefertiti was depicted as an equal to her husband. She was an Egyptian queen and chief consort of Akhenaten, an Egyptian Pharaoh. Nefertiti means the beautiful one has come and the new name meant beautiful are the beauties of Aten, a beautiful woman has come. Her central role in the adoption of this new religion is witnessed in the artistic representations which adorn ancient temple walls. At one point Neferneferuaten employed a scribe to make divine offerings to Amun, pleading for him to return and dispel the kingdoms darkness. [45] However, it was subsequently shown that the 'Elder Lady' is in fact Tiye, mother of Akhenaten. Samson, Julia. In 1898, French archeologist Victor Loret found two female mummies among those cached inside the tomb of Amenhotep II in KV35 in the Valley of the Kings. The traditional norms of the queen being a just the wife of the Pharaoh were broken. Its no mystery that she was so important. Nefertiti's steward during this time was an official named Meryre II. [51] He eventually did send one of his sons, Zannanza, but the prince died, perhaps murdered, en route. She had a few accomplishments to make to become who she was. All Rights Reserved. Warm and healthy dish with various veggies and herbs. I think she was so important because of her power in Egypt and her breathtaking beauty. In 1913, there was a meeting between Borchardt and a senior Egyptian official to discuss how to divide the archaeological finds of 1912. Nefertiti influenced and supported her husband in their religious revolution which changed Ancient Egypt from a polytheistic religion, with many gods, to monotheism (the worship of one god). Nefertiti also seems to have taken the throne under the name Neferneferuaten. However, no evidence to support this claim has been found till now by archeologists. "The Year 16 graffito of Akhenaten in Dayr Ab innis: A contribution to the study of the later years of Nefertiti". Accomplishments - Nefertiti Nefertiti was famous and was a queen ,but there was alot of thing she had to do. Akhenaten. Only a few are historical known. Nefertiti, whose name means "a beautiful woman has come," was the queen of Egypt and wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten during the 14th century B.C. A possible 3-course menu for 6 people who don't like nuts or seafood is: Starter: Vegetable soup with gluten-free bread. (._.). The details of Nefertitis childhood are not known clearly to the historians. Neferneferuaten, this female pharaoh, specifically used the epithet 'Effective for her husband' in one of her cartouches,[27] which means she was either Nefertiti or her daughter Meritaten (who was married to king Smenkhkare). [40] Given that it lacks a burial chamber, she was not interred there either. With her husband, she reigned at what was arguably the wealthiest period of ancient Egyptian history. In Nefertiti's old age, she was known as Queen Of Egypt.She was very kind to all of Egypt. Neferneferuaten Nefertiti is one of the most famous women is history. . What is something you liked about my blog? [11], Almost nothing is known about Nefertiti's life prior to her marriage to Akhenaten. Another is a small inlay head (Petrie Museum Number UC103) modeled from reddish-brown quartzite that was clearly intended to fit into a larger composition. Inscriptions in the tombs of Huya and Meryre II dated to Year 12, 2nd month of Peret, Day 8 show a large foreign tribute. I had to do a journal entry about Nefertiti, and I had to include her political and cultural achievement, and this website really helped me thank you very much! Nothing like this has happened to me in my entire life! [16] Based on these titles, it has been proposed that Ay was in fact Nefertiti's father. She came second only to Cleopatra. In her third regnal year, the King of Egypt died. According the Aten Cult, there was only one single god, viz. Egyptian Queen Nefertiti: Fast Facts Born - c. 1370 BC Died - c. 1330 BC Akhenaten was followed as pharaoh by Smenkhkare, who some historians suggest may have been another name for Nefertiti. Compared to many other burial tombs, King Tut's final resting place is small and unassuming. World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras. Related Articles: 3,500-Year-Old Unfinished Obelisk Reveals Incredible Engineering of Ancient Egypt The togetherness of Nefertiti and her husband is clearly visible in a number of artifacts from the time. Nefertiti (pronounced at the time something like *nafratita [1]) (c. 1370 BC - c. 1330 BC) was the Great Royal Wife of the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten. This list is the best books about them (singly or as a couple), fiction & non fiction. Nefertiti was an Egyptian queen and wife of King Akhenaten who remains a mystery to scholars today. This proposal is considered extraordinary as New Kingdom royal women never married foreign royalty. The structures there include the Gempaaten which is a palace complex. This theory is highly disputed and has limited historical support. Akhenaten & Nefertiti. As she did not have a son, she even tried to consolidate her power by marrying one of the sons of the Hittie emperor, Suppiluliuma I. Thank you. I had a paper due on Nefertiti and your website is the only one that helped me! Akhenaten, Nefertiti and their daughters before the Aten. Howard Carter's discovery of King Tutankhamen's nearly intact . It is believed that she lived from around 1370 B.C. Their palace was shifted to the new city. The reasons for this radically change can only be guessed. Many paintings and statues survive to this day which depict her beauty. Its rediscovery has generated a lot of interest in Nefertiti making her the most famous Egyptian queen after Cleopatra. Some of these symptoms are an elongated head, neck, arms, hands, and feet. The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, London, Siliceous limestone fragment relief of Nefertiti. She married the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten at the age of fifteen and became the Great Royal Wife. She is now known as a beautiful, versatile and powerful figure of ancient Egypt. Warm and healthy dish with various veggies and herbs. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Egypt became a military superpower. [21], The boundary stelae of years 4 and 5 mark the boundaries of the new city and suggest that the move to the new city of Akhetaten occurred around that time. What was Nefertiti accomplishments? The religious revolution totally reduced their power. [46] DNA analysis confirmed that she was the daughter of Tiye's parents Yuya and Thuya. Nefertiti's Fascinating Accomplishments Queen Nefertiti As chief wife and consort of Akhenaten, Nefertiti had many accomplishments. She was believed to have died in a major plague that swept across the Egyptian kingdom. [citation needed] Furthermore, the phrase regarding marriage to 'one of my subjects' (translated by some as 'servants') is possibly either a reference to the Grand Vizier Ay or a secondary member of the Egyptian royal family line. Nefertiti was fifteen when she married sixteen-year-old Amunhotep IV and assumed the throne as queen consort. Okay I think I can answer 6 but someone please give me so advice o website or information please this is due in 2 weeks. He is most famous for changing Egypts religion from polytheism to henotheism (belief and worship of one God while accepting the existence of other deities). About 4 years into his reign Amenhotep, supported by Nefertiti, declared that all the old gods should be abandoned and replaced by a sole god - the Aten.

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nefertiti accomplishments